Make an Appointment: (972) 430-7925 | [email protected]

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    About Rebekah Johnson

    Rebekah Johnson is a member of EMDRIA and not only uses EMDR to help clients, but also trains therapists going through EMDR Basic Training and EMDR Certification. Though clients often report experiencing relief after talk therapy sessions, it can be difficult to access parts of the memory network through talk therapy alone. For this reason, upon licensure, Rebekah Johnson began pursuing training in EMDR therapy and continues to learn and grow in advanced EMDR therapy training. As an undergraduate, Rebekah Johnson studied Exercise, Sports, and Health Studies while playing college volleyball. In her spare time, Rebekah enjoys running, playing beach volleyball, and singing/songwriting.

    My Mission

    When working with clients, I seek to understand their struggles and work together with them to bring relief into their daily lives and move towards the peace and freedom they desire. I draw from many therapeutic resources including but not limited to person-centered therapy, EMDR, solution-focused brief therapy, and mindfulness practices.

    I am here for you.

    It takes courage to reach out for support and to talk about our personal struggles and pain. In my opinion, it is much harder to face and overcome personal challenges alone. There is often relief experienced just in sharing our stories, and with today’s research and resources, we are constantly gaining more insight into how to help individuals who are suffering. I hope you will reach out today to set up an appointment and begin your healing journey.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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